It's interesting

It's interesting

This collection includes the most interesting materials provided by the Russian State Library, the Russian National Library, State Archive of Russian Federation, and by the Russian State Historical Archive.

Map of Siberia, compiled from the following works: Travels of Captain Sarychev from 1785 to 1793 in northeastern Siberia, from Letters on Eastern Siberia Martos, published in 1827; from Travel in 1829 to Siberia Humbolt, published in 1837; Comments on Siberia by Senator Karnilov, published in 1828; Descriptions of the Yenisei Provincial Senator Stepanova, published in 1835; Travel to Yakutsk in 1830 by Shchukin, published in 1833; Traveling on the northern shore of Siberia from 1820 to 1824 Lieutenant Wrangel, published in 1841; from a fragment about Siberia Gedenstrom, published in 1830; Notes on the Yenisei province of Pestov, published in 1833; Russia, published by Bulgarin in 1837; from the Geography of Arseniev and Sokolovsky; Encyclopedias of the Lexicon; From the Visit of Siberia by the Tsesarevich in 1837, published by Rastorguev; and from the Northern Bee, published in 1843 and 1844

        Map of Siberia, compiled from the following works: Travels of Captain Sarychev from 1785 to 1793 in northeastern Siberia, from Letters on Eastern Siberia Martos, published in 1827; from Travel in 1829 to Siberia Humbolt, published in 1837; Comments on Siberia by Senator Karnilov, published in 1828; Descriptions of the Yenisei Provincial Senator Stepanova, published in 1835; Travel to Yakutsk in 1830 by Shchukin, published in 1833; Traveling on the northern shore of Siberia from 1820 to 1824 Lieutenant Wrangel, published in 1841; from a fragment about Siberia Gedenstrom,...

The map of the St. Petersburg province of the county of the uyezd is an exciting part and the provinces of the provinces belonging to the province of Shlisselburg, Sophia, Oranieboum and Rozhestva, and it has the center of the city of St. Petersburg and from it stretches in all directions for 40 versts

The map of the St. Petersburg province of the uyezd of the uyezd is an exciting part of the protschi uyezds belonging to the province of Shlisselburg, Sophia, Oranimboum and Rozhestva and it has the center of the city of St. Petersburg and from it stretches in all directions for 40 versts. St. Petersburg: [Provincial Landmark Drawing], 1792.