Source study in prerevolutionary Russia
Source study in prerevolutionary Russia
This collection includes authentic materials, reflecting different historical epochs of Russia, which can be used for written sources study.
Acts relating to the legal life of ancient Russia. T. 3. Поступныя, messenger, sentences, orders, washing, протроп, проезжия, разбор, розводныя, роздельныя, розрубники, розъеззды, росписи, mural, роспросныя speeches, row, conspiracy, deal, fairy tale, estimates, lists, urgent, loan , the rate of full-time, stavlenaya, article lists, decrees, price, petitions, turnout
Acts relating to the legal life of ancient Russia. T. 3: Поступныя, messenger, sentences, orders, washing, протроп, проезжия, разбор, розводныя, роздельныя, розрубники, розъеззды, росписи, mural, роспросныя speeches, row, conspiracy, deal, fairy tale, estimates, lists, urgent, loan , the rate of full-time, stavlenaya, article lists, decrees, price, petitions, appearances.
St. Petersburg: in the Type. Imperial Academy. Sciences, 1857-1884. 1884.
St. Petersburg: in the Type. Imperial Academy. Sciences, 1857-1884. 1884.
The books are digitized, according to official lists, issued by the II Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office, with the highest permission. Index of proper names and subjects to the I and II volume of Books of the digit, according to official lists
The books are digitized, according to official lists, issued by the II Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office, with the highest permission. Index of own names and subjects to I and II volume of Books of the digit, according to official lists.
St. Petersburg: In the Type. II of the Deposition of His Own Imperial Majesty's Chancellery, 1853-1856. 1856.
St. Petersburg: In the Type. II of the Deposition of His Own Imperial Majesty's Chancellery, 1853-1856. 1856.
Archive Directorate of the Imperial Theaters. Issue. 1 (1746-1801 gg.), Dep. 1. Inventory of documents
Russia. Directorate of the Imperial Theaters
Archive Directorate of the Imperial Theaters. Issue. 1 (1746-1801 gg.), Dep. 1: Inventory of documents.
St. Petersburg: Publication of the Direction of the Imperial Theaters, 1892. 1892.
St. Petersburg: Publication of the Direction of the Imperial Theaters, 1892. 1892.
Collection of materials on the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. on the Balkan Peninsula. Issue. 2. The log of military operations conducted in the Field Staff
Collection of materials on the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. on the Balkan Peninsula. Issue. 2: A log of military operations conducted in the Field Staff.
Saint-Petersburg: Military-Historical. commis. Ch. headquarters, 1898-1911. 1898.
Saint-Petersburg: Military-Historical. commis. Ch. headquarters, 1898-1911. 1898.
Collection of materials on the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. on the Balkan Peninsula. Issue. 5. Report on the status and actions of the 14th Infantry Division
Collection of materials on the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. on the Balkan Peninsula. Issue. 5: Report on the status and actions of the 14th Infantry Division.
Saint-Petersburg: Military-Historical. commis. Ch. headquarters, 1898-1911. 1898.
Saint-Petersburg: Military-Historical. commis. Ch. headquarters, 1898-1911. 1898.