Russia – Vietnam: the History of Relations

Russian-Vietnamese relations have been actively developing since the mid-XX century. Since then, the two states have established close diplomatic, trade-economic and military cooperation.
There publications, devoted to the history of the Vietnamese people and their struggle for independence, the work of Russian and Vietnamese researchers, revealing the internal and external economic development of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, as well as documents highlighting certain aspects of Russian-Vietnamese cooperation, are presented.
- Vietnam
- State
Constitution of the socialist states. T. 1. [USSR, NSA, NRB, Hungary, SRV, GDR, PRC, DPRK]
Constitution of the socialist states. Moscow: Juridical Literature, 1987.
T. 1: [USSR, NSA, NRB, Hungary, SRV, GDR, PRC, DPRK]. 1987.Central executive authorities as subjects of the mechanism of lawmaking in Vietnam
Wu Kuang Huang (PhD in Law). Central bodies of executive power as subjects of the mechanism of lawmaking in Vietnam. Moscow, 2015.Vietnam in the Asia-Pacific Economic Integration
Pham, An Tuan Vietnam in the Asia-Pacific Economic Integration.
Moscow, 2006.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахTrends in the development of Vietnam's foreign economic relations within the APEC framework
NGUEN, THI WINE. Trends in the development of Vietnam's foreign economic relations within the framework of APEC. Moscow, 2010.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Territory
In white light. Part 2. Burma. - Java. - China. - Tonkin. - Cochin. - Cambodia. - Siam
Vollan, Grigory Alexandrovich de (1847-1916). In white light. St. Petersburg: printing house companion. "Public benefit", 1894-1895. Film Vollan, Grigory Alexandrovich de (1847-1916). Part 2: Burma. - Java. - China. - Tonkin. - Cochin. - Cambodia. - Siam. 1895.О Тонкине и Сайгоне (сканы 177-210)
Zabozlayeva, Olga Ivanovna (1901-). Indochina. [Moscow]: Military Publishing House of the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the USSR, 1946.Про Французский Индокитай (сканы 33-44)
Essay on the history of the Vietnamese people
Shano, Jean. Essay on the history of the Vietnamese people. Moscow: Foreign Literature Publishing House, 1957.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe role of Trotskyism in the national liberation struggle of the Vietnamese people in the late 1920's and 1930's.
Usov, Ilya Viktorovich The role of Trotskyism in the national liberation struggle of the Vietnamese people in the late 1920s-1930s. Moscow, 2010.
- Russia and Vietnam
- The October Revolution of 1917
The October Revolution and the Liberation of the Peoples of the East
Ho Chi Minh. The October Revolution and the Liberation of the Peoples of the East. M.: Gospolitizdat, 1957.Great October and the peoples of the East. 1917-1957
Great October and the peoples of the East. 1917-1957. Moscow: East Literature Publishing House, 1957.Минь Чань «Октябрьская революция и национально-освободительная борьба вьетнамского народа» (сканы 145-162)
- Support for the Democratic Republic of Vietnam during the war of 1964-1975.
The man from Saigon // Izvestia. 1968, February 16
Semenov, Julian Semenovich (writer, 1931-1993). A man from Saigon.Очерк о заместителе командующего военной зоной Сайгона в начале 60-х гг. капитане Фан Лок Туэне, участнике неудавшегося военного переворота против первого президента Республики Вьетнам Нго Динь Зьема
Notebook by Julian Semenov with a litter on the cover "23.12.67. Raid Haiphong"
Semenov, Julian Semenovich (writer, 1931-1993). Notebook by Julian Semenov with a note on the cover "December 23, 67. Raid Haiphong." 1967.В блокноте содержатся записи, сделанные Юлианом Семеновым во время посещения Вьетнама в качестве специального корреспондента газеты «Правда».
Notebook by Julian Semenov with a litter on the cover of "Hanoi." 29.12., Poems "
Semenov, Julian Semenovich (writer, 1931-1993). Notebook by Julian Semenov with a note on the cover of "Hanoi." 29.12., Poems. " Hanoi, [1967].В блокноте содержатся записи, сделанные Юлианом Семеновым, о биографии и деятельности заместителя командующего военной зоной Сайгона в начале 60-х гг. капитана Фан Лок Туэна, участника неудавшегося военного переворота против первого президента Республики Вьетнам Нго Динь Зьема (попытке переворота, эмиграции, работе в Южном Вьетнаме).
Notebook by Julian Semenov with a note on the cover of "1.1.68. Hanoi"
Semenov, Julian Semenovich (writer, 1931-1993). Notebook by Julian Semenov with a litter on the cover of "1.1.68. Hanoi." Hanoi, 1968.В блокноте содержится продолжение записей Юлиана Семенова о капитане Фан Лок Туэне, заместителе командующего военной зоной Сайгона в начале 60-х гг., участнике неудавшегося военного переворота против первого президента Республики Вьетнам Нго Динь Зьема.
Letter of congratulations to Yulian Semenovich Semenov on the New Year from Vietnamese writer Dao Wu
Dao Wu. A letter of congratulations to Yulian Semenovich Semyonov on the New Year from the Vietnamese writer Dao Wu. 1968.Letter to Julian Semenov from Vietnamese journalist Ban Guiam Doc
Ban Guiam Doc. Letter to Julian Semenov from Vietnamese journalist Ban Guiam Doc. January 27, 1968.Special correspondent of the newspaper "Pravda" Yu. Semenov with soldiers of the army of North Vietnam
Special correspondent of the newspaper "Pravda" Yu. Semenov with soldiers of the army of North Vietnam. 1968.Special correspondent of the newspaper "Pravda" Yu. Semenov with a soldier of the detachment of partisans of Laos
Special correspondent of the newspaper "Pravda" Yu. Semenov with a soldier detachment partisans of Laos. 1968. - Political and economic cooperation of the two states at the present stage
- Official documents
On the ratification of the Free Trade Agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union and its member states, on the one hand, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, on the other, Protocol No. 1 between the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vi
Russian Federation. Laws. On the ratification of the Free Trade Agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union and its member states, on the one hand, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, on the other, Protocol No. 1 between the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Agreement on Free Trade between the Eurasian Economic Union and its member states, on the one hand, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, on the other, and Protocol No. 2 between the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Agreement NIJ free trade between the Eurasian...[Letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey V. Lavrov, to Deputy Prime Minister of the Government, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Pham Gia Khiem, with congratulations on the entry into
Fam Zia Khiei. [Letter from Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey V. Lavrov to Deputy Prime Minister of the Government and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Pham Zia Khiem with congratulations on the entry into force of the ASEAN Charter; Reply letter Fam Zia Khiema S. V. Lavrov (in Russian and Vietnamese languages). Moscow: [б. and.], 2008-2009; Hanoi.[On the appointment of Dmitry Kostennikov, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, as an official representative of the President of the Russian Federation when considering by the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation th
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). [On the appointment of Dmitry Kostennikov, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, as an official representative of the President of the Russian Federation when considering by the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the question of ratifying the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on legal assistance and legal relations in civil and criminal cases] . Moscow, 2010.On the ratification of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on legal assistance and legal relations in civil and criminal matters and the Protocol to the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Socialist Re
Russian Federation. Laws. On the ratification of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on legal assistance and legal relations in civil and criminal cases and the Protocol to the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil and Criminal Cases of August 25, 1998. Moscow, 2010.About Serafim V.V.
Russian Federation. President (2008-2012; DA Medvedev). About Serafimova V. V.Moscow, 2009.Вадим Викторович Серафимов – посол России во Вьетнаме с 9 декабря 2004 г. по 30 июля 2009 г.
On the appointment of A. Kovtun as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Russian Federation. President (2008-2012; DA Medvedev). On the appointment of A. Kovtun as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Moscow, 2009.Андрей Григорьевич Ковтун – посол России во Вьетнаме с 30 июля 2009 г. по 26 декабря 2014 г.
On awarding the Order of Friendship of the citizens of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On awarding the Order of Friendship of the citizens of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Moscow, 2008.On awarding the Order of Friendship of the citizens of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On awarding the Order of Friendship of the citizens of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Moscow, 2010.On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation.On awarding the Order of Friendship Nguyen Van Ngany
Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin) On awarding the Order of Friendship Nguyen Van Ngany.
Moscow, 2007.On awarding the Order of Friendship Hoang Thuy Toan
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On awarding the Order of Friendship Hoang Thuy Toana.
- Research
Indochinese region in Soviet foreign policy (1943-1976).
Konoreva, Irina Aleksandrovna. Indochinese region in Soviet foreign policy (1943-1976). Tambov, 2009.Development of trade relations between Vietnam and Russia
Nguyen, Quang Hee. Development of trade relations between Vietnam and Russia. Mytischi, 2006.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахTrends and prospects for cooperation between the banks of Russia and ASEAN countries
Chicherin, Georgy Valerievich (candidate of economic sciences). Tendencies and prospects for cooperation between the banks of Russia and the ASEAN countries. Moscow, 2009.Development of financial and credit relations between Vietnam and Russia at the present stage
Nguyen Chung Anh. The development of financial and credit relations between Vietnam and Russia at the present stage. Moscow, 2016.Guarantees of independence and impartiality of arbitrators in international commercial arbitration
Ziong Thi Thu Huong. Guarantees of independence and impartiality of arbitrators in international commercial arbitration. Voronezh, 2016.Chinese, Vietnamese and North Korean migration to the south of the Far East of Russia in the 80 - 90s of the XX century
Dudchenko, Herman Borisovich Chinese, Vietnamese and North Korean migration to the south of the Far East of Russia in the 80 - 90s of the XX century.
Vladivostok, 2004.Labor migrants from Vietnam in modern Russia: processes of social adaptation
Nguyen, Thanh Hoai. Labor migrants from Vietnam in modern Russia: the processes of social adaptation. Krasnodar, 2006.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахForeign labor in the Russian labor market: attraction, social adaptation, regulatory mechanisms
Atiskov, Oleg Aleksandrovich (candidate of sociological sciences). Foreign labor in the Russian labor market: attraction, social adaptation, regulatory mechanisms. Moscow, 2012.
Социалистическая Республика Вьетнам (сканы 189-232)