Russian Culture Abroad: An exhibition of works by graduates of the Russian Academy of Painting Ilya Glazunov was opened in Genoa
In the gallery Satura in Genoa (Italy) within the "Russian Seasons" was opened an exhibition of works by graduates of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Ilya Glazunov "Haec est civitas mea. This is my world". This exhibition is a dedication to the history of Russia and the beauty of its nature. The collection also included portraits of contemporaries.In the gallery Satura in Genoa (Italy) within the "Russian Seasons" was opened an exhibition of works by graduates of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Ilya Glazunov "Haec est civitas mea. This is my world". This exhibition is a dedication to the history of Russia and the beauty of its nature. The collection also included portraits of contemporaries.