The History of St. Petersburg: «The River of Time» exhibition, dedicated to the Neva River, launched in the Oreshek Fortress

30 June 2018

A new exhibition «The River of Time» is running in the Oreshek Fortress (Leningrad Region) until August 22 2018.

The project of modern artists spotlights the great Russian river – the Neva River. It is underway in the ancient Oreshek Fortress, which was built in 14th century at the head of the Neva River on Lake Ladoga.

The history of the river is unveiled via 11 thematic installations which illustrate the origin of the Neva River about 2 500 years ago, the life of the Neva banks during the time of Ancient Rus’, the military battles with Swedish for the Neva and adjoining lands, the victories in the Northern War, the foundation and construction of St. Petersburg, and the inseparable ties between the life of the city and the river during three centuries.