Society and Church: “Churches of Saratov” exhibition is launched

9 July 2018

The Saratov Regional Local History Museum is holding a new exhibition «Churches of Saratov». It showcases 40 posters by the artist Vadim Rufanov showing the images of religious buildings of the old Saratov – reconstructed churches and those which do not longer exist: the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the Michael Archangel Church, the St. Mitrophan Church, The Church of the Sufferings of Jesus, the Transfiguration of Jesus Church, the Charity Church named in honor of Mikhail of Chernigov, the Widow House of Titus the Miracle Man, the chapel in honor of Iviron Theokotos and many others.

“Churches of Saratov” is the first exhibition of the artist Vadim Rufanov as a part of the «Trips to Saratov» cultural and educational project and «I know Saratov» excursion project of the Civic Chamber of Saratov Region. The youth department of Saratov diocese and priest Kirill Petrovich contributed to the exhibition.

On display are exhibits from the collections of the Saratov Regional Local History Museum dated between 19th – early 20th century: church service items, church documents and books. Of particular interest are original pre-revolutionary postcards with the views of Saratov churches from the museum’s collections and a memorial plate, which used to hang in the Holy Trinity Cathedral.