History of Russia abroad: The Moscow Kremlin Museums to take part in the exhibition “Last Tsar: Blood and Revolution” in London

24 July 2018

The Moscow Kremlin Museums will take part in an exhibition that will run at Science Museum (London) from September 21, 2018 to March 24, 2019. The project focused on the centenary of the execution of the royal family will illustrate the role of medicine and science in the life of Nicholas II, his wife and children, and the details of further investigation of their death.

The Moscow Kremlin Museums will unveil the 1916 “Military” Easter egg by Carl Faberge firm. The “Military” egg, created in 1916 during World War I for Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, stands out among all precious Easter gifts. Simple, without precious stones, it was made of steel - material uncommon for imperial gifts.

The notebook of Nicholas II with sketches of jewelry will be put on display, too. This is a thick notebook featuring 305 watercolor drawings by Nicholas II. These are mainly drawings of cuff links, pins, key-holders, etc. most of which Nicolas II received as presents from his kith and kin (mostly from his wife Alexandra Feodorovna). The first notes were made in 1889, and in 1913 ahead of World War I the notebook was finished.

The notebook of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II is a rare historic and cultural item, which is associated with the life of the last representative of the ruling Romanov House.