History of Moscow: Exhibition “Outside the city!” focused on the history of the Moscow Ring Railway underway in St. Petersburg

26 July 2018

The National Library of Russia’s new building (St. Petersburg) has opened the exhibition “Outside the city!”, which highlights the history of Moscow Ring Railway.

The opening ceremony of the Moscow Ring Railway was held on July 19, 1908 and in 2016 it was upgraded. Within its century-long history the railroad was integrated into urban infrastructure and operated to the benefit of Moscow residents and guests of the city. The complex of buildings of the Moscow ring, originally intended for transit of goods on the outskirts of Moscow, became one of the major projects in “Russian Art Nouveau” style.

The highlights of the exposition are unique publications – “The Album of the Moscow Ring Railway” (Moscow, 1908) and “The Album of Drawings of the Moscow Ring Railway” (Moscow, 1903 - 1908). Albums contain high resolution technical drawings.

The exhibition will run until September 11.