History and Culture: Restorers have reconstructed lost interiors of 17th century monastic cells of Znamensky Monastery
History and Culture: Restorers have reconstructed lost interiors of 17th century monastic cells of Znamensky Monastery
30 July 2018
Moscow mayor official website
The 17th c. brethren’s building of Znamenky Monastery in Moscow has been restored. A stone building with a wooden roof with two-storey monastic cells was built by Kostroma masters Feodor Grigoryev and Georgy Anisimov during 1684–1689.
The building is a monument of architecture of federal importance. It is located in the historical district of Zaryadye, not far away from the entrance to the park of the same name. Specialists have restored the facades and lost interiors and provided modern utilities.
The building, which is the property of the Russian Orthodox Church, houses the Moscow division of the All-Russian Society for Protection of Monuments of History and Culture.