History and Culture: Exhibition “Word and Image. Russian Icons and Church Books of the late 18th – early 20th cc” currently underway in Sarapul

17 October 2018

The exhibition “Word and Image. Russian Icons and Church Books of the late 18th – early 20th cc.” has opened at the Museum of History and Culture of the Middle Prikamye (the Kama River area), in the “Bashenin House” Art and Exhibition Complex (the Udmurt Republic, Sarapul). The exhibition marks the 150th anniversary of Sarapul Diocese and the beginning of a new anniversary season of the Republic’s oldest museum. It is celebrating the 110th anniversary of the foundation in 2019. The exhibition showcases over 50 icons, as well as books and church sculpture from the collections of the Museum of History and Culture of the Middle Prikamye.