Marking the Year of Theatre in Russia in 2019: Russia to hold 25th Theatre Olympiad

27 December 2018
Source: Culture.RF

The 25th Theatre Olympiad – the largest one in the history of this movement – will be held in 2019 as part of the Year of Theatre in Russia. It will feature performances, master classes, roundtable discussions and other events.

The Building Bridges Theatre Olympiad will run from June until November 2019. Alexandrinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg will become the central venue for the project. More than 30 productions will be presented by participants from 25 countries of the world: Japan, Greece, Germany, China, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. Performances directed by Tadashi Suzuki, Theodoros Terzopoulos, Heiner Goebbels and Andrei Serban, Katie Mitchel and other celebrated foreign directors will be staged as part of the Olympiad.

All events are available on a special portal that was launched ahead of the Year of Theatre.