Internet and Museums: The Kunstkamera provides online access to the “Ethiopian Collection of Nikolai Gumilev” Album
Internet and Museums: The Kunstkamera provides online access to the “Ethiopian Collection of Nikolai Gumilev” Album
11 January 2019
News of Literature
The Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (the Kunstkamera) has provided online access to the Album “Ethiopian Collection of Nikolai Gumilev”. The catalogue presents the unique collections and documents brought by outstanding Russian poet Nikolai Gumilev from his travels to Ethiopia, then known as Abyssinia.
In 1913 on an assignment by the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography Nikolai Gumilev went on a business trip to Abyssinia to gather and buy ethnographic collections, collect photo materials and record folklore, the announcement on the website of the Kunstkamera reads.