Memory of Russia: The National Library of Russia mounts three exhibitions marking the 75th anniversary of complete lifting of the Nazi siege of Leningrad

23 January 2019

Three exhibitions dedicated to the 75th anniversary of complete lifting of the Nazi siege of Leningrad will be staged on January 23, 2019 in the Main Building of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg).

The Prints Department presents “Each Leningrader is a Fighter!” exhibition, which showcases rare posters dating from 1941–1945, leaflets, photographs taken by war correspondents of TASS bureau in Leningrad. The exhibition “January Thunder” at the Manuscripts Department features letters, diaries and memoirs of both celebrated cultural workers and ordinary residents of Leningrad. Unique materials from the personal archive of Lyubov Kupriyanova, executive secretary of the Commission for Determining and Investigating Crimes Perpetrated by the Nazi Invaders will be unveiled as part of “The War inside Me” display.

Exhibitions will run until February 6. The display at the Prints Department will be open until March 15.