Society and Culture: International Research Conference “Russian Avant-Garde From a Transnational Perspective” mounted in Moscow
On June 21-22, 2019 the Russian State Archive of Literature an Arts (Moscow) is holding the International Research Conference “Russian Avant-Garde From a Transnational Perspective” in memory of Nikolai Khardzhiev (1903-1996). The conference participants are: the Khardzhiev Foundation (the Netherlands), the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, IN ARTIBUS Foundation, and the State Russian Museum. Eminent Russian and foreign scholars, experts in Russian avant-garde, will be speakers at the conference. Video recordings of the reports will be made available on the Internet.
The exhibition “Russian Avant-Garde from the Collections of the Russian State Archive of Literature and Arts” will be staged in the Exhibition Hall of the Russian State Archive of Literature and Arts as part of the conference. It will showcase the main rarities from the Nikolai Khardzhiev Collection.