History and Culture: The State Historical Museum in Moscow presents the collection of British prints dating from the 18th century

28 June 2019

The exhibition in the State Historical Museum (Moscow) “English Hobby of a “Diamond Prince”. A Revival of the Collection of the Stepanovskoye-Volosovo Estate” is opening on June 28, 2019. The collection of British prints dating from the 18th century from the famous Stepanovskoye-Volosovo Estate in Tver, which belonged to Princes Kurakin, has been put on display for the first time. 

The collection currently consists of 52 first-class works created by Fr. Bartolozzi, W. Woollett, W. Dickinson, R. Earlom and other celebrated masters of the 18th century.

Apart from the private collection, the exhibition features special items from the collection of the Historical Museum, which tell the story of the famous family of Princes Kurakin - owners of the Stepanovskoye-Volosovo Estate.