Museums of Russia: Exhibition “Avant-garde. List No. 1. Marking the 100th Anniversary of the Museum for Pictorial Culture” to kick off in Moscow

23 October 2019

On October 23, 2019 the New Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow is presenting the exhibition “Avant-garde. List No. 1. Marking the 100th Anniversary of the Museum for Pictorial Culture”.

In 2019 the Tretyakov Gallery is celebrating the centenary of a unique project that was launched in Soviet Russia. A network of new museums – museums for pictorial culture - was set up across the country as part of it. Famous masters such as Wassily Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich, David Shterenberg, Vladimir Tatlin, Alexandr Drevin contributed to its implementation.

The exhibition includes about 250 paintings, graphic works and sculpture from 18 Russian and 5 foreign collections, along with archival documents, books and photographs.