Lendoc Film Studio: Premiere of the Christmas fairytale film Legends of St. Petersburg. The Key to Time

28 October 2019
Source: TASS

On October 30, 2019 at 12 noon TASS Russian News Agency (St. Petersburg) is hosting a press conference devoted to the premiere of the film Legends of St. Petersburg. The Key to Time and new projects of the studio.

Alexei Telnov - Director General of the Lendoc Film Studio, Yelena Demetova - Deputy Director General of the Lendoc Film Studio, and Olga Reinbach - Head of the Educational Department of the Lendoc Film Studio will tell about the first public performance of St. Petersburg Christmas fairytale film and spotlight the work on new projects.

To attend the event media representatives need to get accredited and hold a passport and/or a press card.

Accreditation and information:

+7 (812) 643-60-63



St. Petersburg, Shpalernaya Street, 37А