Museums and Society: Plenary discussion “Problems and Prospects for the Development of Museum Sector in the Russian Federation” to be held within the 8th St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum

15 November 2019

Plenary discussion “Problems and Prospects for the Development of Museum Sector in the Russian Federation” will be held on November 15, 2019 in the Marble Palace - the branch of the State Russian Museum as part of the 8th St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum.  

Vladislav Kononov - Director of the Museum Department of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, Olga Nestertseva - Deputy Director of the Multimedia Art Museum, Yelena Bogdanova - Director of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve, Svetlana Sivkova - Director of the Museum of the World Ocean, heads of museums and regional ministers of culture will take part in the discussion.