Museums of Russia: The Russian Museum to present an impressive programme marking its 125th anniversary in 2020
In 2020 the State Russian Museum will celebrate its 125th anniversary. The world’s largest and the first state museum of Russian art will present an impressive programme on this occasion.
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Museum was held in Moscow on December 12. Members of the Board of Trustees discussed some large-scale programmes and new projects timed to coincide with the celebration of the anniversary.
The main exhibitions due in 2020 are: “Alexander III. Emperor and Art Collector” (marking the 175th anniversary of the birth of Emperor Alexander III) at the St Michael’s Castle, and the exhibition “Works Donated to the Russian Museum by Artists and Collectors”, which will be staged at all the museum’s palaces – the Mikhailovsky Palace, the Stroganov Palace, the Marble Palace, and at the St Michael’s Castle.