Ahead of the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory: An exposition "Art, Love and War" presented in the Centers of Public Services in Moscow

21 January 2020

Propaganda posters, paintings, poems, musical notes of wartime and front-line theater programs were presented in the Centers of Public Services in Moscow. The exposition “Art, Love and War” continues the cycle of exhibitions of the project “Moscow – Taking Care of History”.

The new block invites visitors to get familiar with the works that inspired people to fight for their Homeland.

The exhibits were provided by the Main Archival Agency of the City of Moscow. Guests will see the wartime periodicals, a typographic copy of the Anthem of the Soviet Union, released in 1944. The collection also includes postcards, programs and posters of the Moscow circuses performances and the Moscow State Philharmonic Society concerts, manuals for propaganda teams from the Main Archival Agency of the City of Moscow collections.

The exhibition “Moscow – Taking Care of History” is made up of items donated by the Moscow residents from their family archives. The campaign was launched in April 2019. Over the past months, the capital residents donated to the Main Archival Agency of the City of Moscow more than six thousand documents and items. The goal of the project is to preserve the memory of the war heroes for our descendants.