Marking the 76th anniversary of the Complete Liberation of Leningrad from the Nazis Siege: An exhibition of graphic works “Days and Nights of Courage” to open in St. Isaac's Cathedral

28 January 2020

January 27, 2020, an exhibition of graphic works “Days and Nights of Courage” was opened at the State Museum St. Isaac's Cathedral, it is marking the Day of the Complete Liberation of Leningrad from the Nazis Siege

The exhibition presents the work of artists who saw in the reality of the besieged city. Among them – A. L. Kaplan who survived the first, most difficult winter in besieged Leningrad and A. I. Kharshak who fought at Pulkovo heights. The exhibition features lithographs, linocuts, and etchings that express the personal impressions of the artists and the tragedy of Leningrad.