Marking the Year of Memory and Glory: “The Great War - the Great Victory. The Library as a Memory Space” All-Russian contest of library projects to launch in March 2020

11 February 2020

In the Year of Memory and Glory, the State Public Historical Library of Russia, under the auspices of the Russian Library Association, is holding “The Great War - the Great Victory. The Library as a Memory Space” All-Russian contest of library projects. It aims to find out the best practices among the Russian libraries on patriotic education and historical education of readers, support innovative developments and technologies, increase the level of library services and share the best practices of libraries.

Contest Commission takes under consideration the results of the library's work on the theme, completed in 2019–2020, marking the anniversary of the Victory, including long-run or regular projects.

Particular attention will be paid to:

- programs and projects related to the research and study activity of libraries;

-  formation and preservation of the unique documentary collections (family archives, formation of an oral history bank, etc.);

- series of events for the preservation of the historical memory of people and events of World War II related to the region;

- creation of databases, electronic information resources.

Public libraries are invited to participate in the Contest.

The Contest contains three stages:

- Stage 1. March 1 - September 30, 2020. Acceptance of applications.

- Stage 2. October - November 2020. The work of the Contest Committee.

- Stage 3. November 2020. Summing up the Contest.