Marking the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory: “From the Archive of the Marshal of the Soviet Union Rodion Malinovsky” photo exhibition presented at the Federation Council in Moscow

12 February 2020

The “From the Archive of the Marshal of the Soviet Union Rodion Malinovsky” photo exhibition was opened at the Federation Council (Moscow).

The documentary exhibition is marking the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Then it will be showcased in Russian regions.

The career of Rodion Malinovsky reflects the main historical periods of the first half of the XX century. He participated in the First World War, the Spanish Civil War, the Great Patriotic and the Soviet-Japanese War. He also was the St. George cavalier for two times and Hero of the Soviet Union, the Minister of Defence of the USSR.

The guests of the opening ceremony were Natalia Malinovskaya - the daughter of the Marshal of the Soviet Union Rodion Malinovsky, the Great Patriotic War veterans, the representatives of the public organizations.