Monuments of Book Culture: "Old Believers' manuscripts from the Russian State Library's collection, marking the 400th anniversary of Protopope Avvakum" exhibition presented at the Russian State Library in Moscow

3 March 2020

March 3, 2020, the Russian State Library (Moscow) opened an exhibition marking the 400th anniversary of one of the most prominent ideologists and leaders of the Old Believers - Protopope Avvakum.

The exposition features the unique manuscript books that feature ​​the diversity of the Old Believers’ art heritage of the XVII – XX centuries.

The first part of the exhibition is devoted to Protopope Avvakum (Avvakum Petrovich Kondratiev) (1620–1682) and his close associates.

A large section of the exhibition is dedicated to the famous works of Old Believers of different kinds.

The exhibition presents the Old Believers' collections of the particular value owned by Yegor Egorovich Egorov, Pyotr Alekseevich Ovchinnikov, Grigory Matveevich Pryanishnikov and others. Even now the Russian State Library collection receives the new acquisitions of Old Believers' manuscripts of high historical and cultural significance, for example - the richest collections of Denis Valerievich Perestoronin and Maxim Borisovich Pashinin.