Memory of the World: "Comintern: Drama of Ideas and Fate of People. Marking the 100th anniversary of the establishment" historical and documentary exhibition presented in Moscow

12 March 2020

The branch of the State Public Historical Library of Russia (Moscow) - the Socio-Political History Center - opened the "Comintern: Drama of Ideas and Fate of People. Marking the 100th anniversary of the establishment" historical and documentary exhibition.

The exposition features documents from the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History, which contains the archive of the Communist International (Comintern), a unique collection of documents that has no analogs in the world.

The exposition showcases documents that evidence of the diverse Comintern activities within two dozen years (1919-1943). The documents highlight the deep influence of this organization on the historical events in Soviet Russia and abroad, activities of its governing bodies, structural units, its sections - communist and labor parties in different countries (more than 70), as well as mass revolutionary organizations, which were created and patronized by the Comintern.

The exhibition's materials are presented for the first time and intend not only to specialists but also to the general public.

The exhibition will run until March 21, 2020.