Marking World Theatre Day: "Big Tour - Online" project to feature live broadcasts and video recordings of performances
The Federal Center for the Support of Touring Activities will launch its online project and open the "Home Season".
"Big Tour - Online" will work in the "streaming" mode. Exclusive traffic will include live broadcasts as well as unique video recordings of performances from different Russian regions.
During March, April and May 2020, the "Big Tour - Online" streaming broadcasts will be conducted on the project's website, on the Youtube channel, in all social networks and on the information partners' resources. Recordings of the broadcasts will be sent to the "Kultura.RF" portal.
The project's website in the "Online" section will provide open access to:
- broadcasts of videos of performances provided exclusively by the theatres-participants in the "Big Tour - Online" program;
- live broadcasts - online broadcasts of performances of theatres-participants in the "Big Tour - Online" program;
- online projects releases of regional and leading theaters;
- links to archives and resources of online performances of Russian and foreign theatres.