Information Technologies and Museums: Kirillo-Belozersky Museum-Reserve to launch new formats of online work
The Kirillo-Belozersky Museum-Reserve launched new formats of online work. Now Internet users got an opportunity not only to watch video tours of the most interesting exhibitions and expositions of the museum but also to participate in online workshops and learn new things about the history and architecture of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery from posts and blogs in official groups of social networks. In April, museum specialists will launch a new "Tales" section on their information websites.
The fairy tales of Belozersk hanged down for many centuries. At the beginning of the XX century, Soviet folklorists Boris Matveyevich and Yuri Matveevich Sokolov released a book devoted to fairy tales and songs of Belozersky Region. The museum's project presents these tales to users.
It is planned that Internet users will learn about the fairy tales for adults, created by the Sokolov brothers, in the format of audio records and texts.