Information Technologies and History: Materials devoted to the Victory Day to enter the Media section of the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy

17 April 2020

The Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy launched digitizing materials devoted to Victory Day and World War II. More than 700 new documents will appear in the public domain by May 2020. All materials will be released on the website of the museum's media library.

The memoirs of former exhibition employees and veterans of the Great Patriotic War are of particular interest, They feature the battles for Moscow, Stalingrad, Prague, Warsaw, in fierce battles near Vyazma and the Battle in Berlin.

The electronic pages of newspapers and magazines contain concerts, exhibitions, meetings with veterans and other events held at the Exhibition during the days of Victory Day celebration in different years. It also provides the stories about employees awarded with medals and orders, their poems and memoirs about the war. In total, the electronic archive of the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy includes names and surnames of more than 400 participants of the Great Patriotic War.

After scanning, materials will be released on the website of the Exhibition's media library in a special section about the Great Patriotic War. They also can be found by keywords, for example, "Victory Day", "Memoirs of World War II veterans", "Poems about the Great Patriotic War" and others.