Internet and Book Culture: Perm presented an online exhibition of ancient books

22 April 2020

The A. Gorky's Perm Regional Library opened the "Books of the era of Peter the Great" exhibition, showcasing civil type publications. A video review of rarities is released on the library's channel on YouTube.

The era of Peter the Great, with other decisive changes, was marked by the secularization of reading and education (a reduction of religious subjects in the total volume of printed materials). Secular book printing began to develop in Russia. Religious and liturgical literature was still printed in the Church Slavonic semi-uncial. A civil alphabet (1708), specially designed in civil type, was introduced to deliver information of state-importance, scientific, andl cultural data. Books printed in civil type are more familiar to the contemporary mass reader, in contrast to the former grotesque Cyrillic  text style.

There are now only 9 book rarities of civil type of the era of Peter the Great preserved in Perm Region. These are mainly historical books, which are featured by the online exhibition.