Marking the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory: "About the Heroes of the Past ..." virtual photo exhibition to take place in Astrakhan

4 May 2020

From May 4 to 10, 2020, the Internet resources of the Astrakhan Regional Scientific and Methodological Center of Folk Culture is holding a virtual photo exhibition "About the Heroes of the Past ..." marking the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The exposition presents the work of the "Delta" photo studio participants. It showcases the army's everyday life, war veterans, wartime photographs. It features pictures of the Victory Parades; the ceremony of laying flowers at the Eternal Flame; meetings of veterans with schoolchildren; the Great Patriotic War monuments; photo portraits of war veterans and other photo materials.

The photo project is arranged to preserve the memory of the victorious soldiers who protected the independence of the Fatherland and defended the world from Nazism for future generations.

The exhibition is available online on the Center's YouTube channel and social networks.