Marking the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory: Novgorod Regional House of Folk Art launched video tours of the exhibition "What We will Never Forget"

8 May 2020

Marking the 75th anniversary of the Victory, the Novgorod Regional House of Folk Art launched video tours of the exhibition "What We will Never Forget", which was opened on the premises of the church of St. Nikolas. The exhibition features the life of post-war Novgorod, as well as the combat garments and equipment of the soldiers of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army and their enemy.

Most of the exhibits are original items found at battlefields in Novgorod and Pskov Regions. They are provided by participants in the "Third Platoon" Military Historical Society of the "Zmey Gorynych" Historical Reconstruction Club.

Each item has its own unique story. For example, the exhibition showcases the German flask, which belonged to a Soviet soldier, who decorated it with the symbols of the Soviet fleet.

A series of video excursions prepared by the specialists of the House of Folk Art gives an opportunity to visit the exhibition without leaving home.

Video tours will be released on May 5, 9, and 11 on the VKontakte page of the Novgorod Regional House of Folk Art. The exhibition will run until September 30, 2020.