Information Technologies and Museums: Mikhaylovskoye Museum Reserve presented a virtual tour of the exhibition "My "The Queen of Spades" is in a big fashion..."

8 May 2020

A virtual tour of the exhibition "My "The Queen of Spades" is in a big fashion..." of the Petrovskoye memorial estate of the Gannibal family was released by the State museum-reserve of Alexander Pushkin «Mikhailovskoye» on the official pages of social networks.

The exposition is marking the 185th anniversary of the publication of the famous novel. Its guide is Natalya Aksyonova, the artist and specialist of the memorial estate of the Gannibal family. She presents her personal author's view of the works showcased in the exhibition hall. For example, users of a virtual tour will find out why the artist decided to portray the Pushkin countess in this way. Her prototype was the maid of honor at the court of four emperors, Princess Natalya Petrovna Golitsyna. The exhibition features an alabaster sculptural portrait of Pushkin's character - Anna Fedorovna Tomskaya sitting in "Voltaire armchair". The artist also highlights the symbols of open and closed or lying face down cards in a series of illustrations to Pushkin’s "mystical" novel.