Internet and Culture: Virtual tours of the sites of the Pushkin Museum-Reserve and ancient monuments of Pskov available on the Internet

1 June 2020

Pskov Region provides free Internet access to the main regional places of interest. The local tour operator "Slavic Tour", a partner of the Russian Geographical Society, released on its website virtual tours of the objects of the Pushkin Museum-Reserve "Mikhailovskoye" and the ancient monuments of Pskov Region.

Online excursions are available in the "Discover Your Pskov" section, which also features documentaries about the history and contemporary culture of region, lectures, and masterclasses. The section aims to introduce the Internet user to the architecture, culture, and art of Pskov Region, arise interest in visiting that region.

Thanks to the released tours (including aerial photography), online exhibitions, and lectures, the user may attend the estates of the Pushkin Museum-Reserve "Mikhailovskoye", which played an important role in Pushkin’s life and reflected in his work.

The filmmakers, museum specialists, and lecturers will tell about the everyday life and cuisine of estates in Pushkin’s times, as well as the care about estate gardens in our times.

Lectures will also feature the Pushkin’s ancestors and descendants and the dueling code of the past. The section also provides online tours of the ancient monuments of Pskov, preserved in our time, and archaeological discoveries.