Marking the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory: Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library launched a virtual exhibition "Semyon Ivanovich Pustovoitov. The Artist and the Soldier"

7 June 2020

Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library launched a virtual exhibition devoted to the memory of the artist, front-line soldier, Honorary Citizen of Veliky Novgorod Semyon Ivanovich Pustovoitov.

The exhibition features 20 works by Pustovoitov from the family collection and private collections of the artist’s friends as well as his portrait painted by his wife and artist Galina Yakovlevna Pustovoitova. The major part of works was provided by the artist's daughter Irina Semenovna Pustovoitova.

Painting "Zverin Monastery, XII century" (the Intercession Cathedral with the Church of Saint Simeon) is showcased for the first time.

The works featured by the virtual exhibition will be available after the end of the self-isolation in the library's lobby at the exhibition "Semyon Ivanovich Pustovoitov. The Artist and the Soldier", devoted to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory.