Internet and Culture: State Tretyakov Gallery to conduct art classes online
Methodologists and museum tutors of the State Tretyakov Gallery will conduct online classes for the first time. This format allows the residents of the regions to join the programs. In June and July 2020, the museum will launch 5 online courses for parents and children (primary school children and teenagers).
The "Art Pedometer" program will introduce parents and children 5+ to the State Tretyakov Gallery collection and three art techniques: watercolor, pencil, and collage.
The programs "Going the Way With a Museum" and "Movement and painting" will feature elementary school children 8+ with the basics of painting and drawing. They will also have the opportunity to learn about the sports theme in the works of XX century artists.
Two online art labs for media art and architecture are proposed to teenagers. Together with the artists, they will learn how to edit their video clips and create musical electronic compositions in the "Media Art Workshop". The "Summer Laboratory of Space and Form" is intended for teenagers keen on architecture.
More information about online summer courses is available on the museum's website.