Marking the Year of Memory and Glory: A. N. Ostrovsky House Museum launched the "Diaries of the Frontline Art Brigades" exhibition

23 June 2020

From June 23 to August 16, 2020, the A. N. Ostrovsky House Museum (the branch of the A. A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum) houses the exhibition devoted to the feat of Soviet artists who inspired the defenders in the rear and on the fronts the Great War. The exposition was arranged with the support of the "History of Motherland" Foundation. The project is marking the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory and the Year of Memory and Glory, announced in the Russian Federation in 2020.

In 2005, the museum showcased the "Theater and Frontline Diary" exhibition, in 2010 - the "Theater Moscow in 1941-1945" exhibition. The "Diaries of the Frontline Art Brigades" exhibition is a final part of this trilogy. The museum is going to develop the research of the war theme in future.

About 4 thousand frontline theatre, concert and circus brigades and 25 front theatres worked in the Red Army during the war. These groups included both young and famous artists.

The main idea of ​​the exhibition is to show the contribution of artists to the Great Victory over the fascist invaders. The main exponents are the diaries of the frontline brigades. The exhibition emphasizes the special role of A. A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum that highlights this theme.

Visitors will also see valuable exhibits from the museum’s collection evacuated to the Urals during the war — works by Konstantin Korovin, Alexander Golovin, Sergei Sudeikin, Pyotr Konchalovsky.

A. A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum issued the exhibition catalogue with rare materials from its collection.