Memory of Russia: Multimedia Art Museum launched the final part of the "Our Victory - 75" project

25 June 2020

On May 9, the Multimedia Art Museum (Moscow) launched the "Our Victory - 75" project on the portal in the framework of the "History of Russia in Photographs" program. The first Victory Parade was held on Red Square in Moscow on June 24, 1945. This day the museum releases the final chapter of the photo chronicle of the Great Patriotic War. It is devoted to the Victory and the battles that immediately preceded it.

A new chapter features the liberation of the largest Nazi extermination camp Auschwitz; the crucial Yalta Conference, which determined the structure of the post-war world for the next 40 years; fierce battles on the streets of Danzig and Vienna; the legendary meeting of the Allied forces near the Elbe, the Battle of Berlin and the signing of the German Instrument of Surrender.

Victory Salute on May 9, the Parade on Red Square on June 24, 1945, the meeting of the victorious soldiers at the Belorussky Railway Station are the events that were captured by outstanding photographers - Evgeny Khaldey, Arkady Shaikhet, George Petrusov, Vladislav Mikosha, Ivan Shagin and many others. Now, 75 years later, it is possible to become witnesses of these events thanks to their works.

Two final videos are devoted to the most important events summarizing this terrible war - the Berlin (Potsdam) Conference (July 17 - August 2, 1945), which decided the post-war fate of Germany, and the Nuremberg Trials (November 20, 1945 - October 1, 1946) - the "Court of History" over crimes of the Nazism.

Showcasing the photo chronicle of the Great Patriotic War, the museum also spotlight military photographers who, risking their lives, left us invaluable evidence of a tragedy that should not be repeated. Many thousands of photojournalists from 62 countries participated in the Second World War. The Soviet photographers left the most emotional evidence of those terrible events.

The final chapter presents a series of materials about military photographers Arkady Shaikhet and Georgi Petrusov.

The "Our Victory - 75" project contains 75 videos made of photographs, 25 photo exhibitions, videos about military photographers, videos based on newsreels of the war years, and photo exhibitions based on family archives sent by users to the "History of Russia in Photographs" website.

A special part of the "Our Victory - 75" project is the research of the unknown military photographers and the restoration of their biographies. It is available on the page

Maps of the battles of the Great Patriotic War are from the Atlas of Battles, issued for the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. They were provided by OJSC Roscartography.