Internet and History: Map of Moscow streets named after heroes of the Great Patriotic War available online

3 July 2020

The portal launched the "Living Memory" project, devoted to heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Users may explore an interactive map with streets, alleys, squares, boulevards and avenues named after Red Army marshals and soldiers, pilots and tankmen, snipers and partisans.

Detailed information appears while selecting an object. It presents the history of the place, its modern photos and features, the biography and photo of the relevant hero. Now, it is possible to learn about a feat of the Panfilov Division's Twenty-Eight Guardsmen, German bombers shot down by pilot Ivan Kozhedub, Dmitry Lavrinenko who became the most productive Soviet tanker in 2.5 months and the press attaché of the German embassy in Tokyo who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

A total of 164 Moscow streets were named after the heroes.