World History: Russian Geographical Society to send an expedition to the places of battles of the Russian Fleet in Greece in the XVIII century

18 July 2020

Members of the Russian Geographical Society are planning to launch an international educational expedition "Flame of Chesma. Greek Gambit". The project was developed by the Kostroma branch of the Russian Geographical Society and won the Presidential Grant. The expedition members will visit the bases and places of battles of the Russian Fleet in Greece. They will try to research the events of 1770-1774.

Not only researchers but also chosen and trained schoolchildren from Kostroma will make a voyage to the Greek islands located near the places of the naval battles, which glorified the Russian Fleet.

The organizers expect discoveries from the expedition. The whole journey will be filmed. After the return, the video will be presented to the general public.

The project is marking the 250th anniversary of the legendary victory in the Battle of Chesma. It allowed the Russian Navy to assert its supremacy and enabled Catherine II to establish the Archipelago Province, which lasted four years.