Libraries of Russia: Exhibition "Alexander Bakusov - Chief Architect of the National Library of Russia: Marking the 70th Anniversary" launched in Saint-Petersburg

25 July 2020

The Korf Hall of the National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) houses the exhibition "Alexander Bakusov - Chief Architect of the National Library of Russia: Marking the 70th Anniversary". It will run until September 6, 2020.

Alexander Bakusov - laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, President of the Union of Museum Artists of Saint-Petersburg, member of the Union of Architects and the Union of Artists of Russia, served as chief architect at the National Library of Russia for more than 20 years. He participated in the creation of the Information Centre in the Krylov House, premises for the unique collection of Voltaire's books and led the restoration of Prints Hall.

The exposition is based on documents from the library's archive and the architect’s private archive, photographs, original drawings.

The exhibition also highlights other aspects of the art activity and personality of Alexander Georgievich. He created a monument to the armourer S. I. Mosin in Sestroretsk, memorable compositions at the "Levashovskaya Pustosh" Memorial Cemetery, in the Park of Hero Cities in the Moskovsky district and others. The exhibition features watercolours, drawings, photographs of different times.

It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of Alexander Bakusov to the development of the library, its formation as an educational centre. The exhibition is a tribute to the memory of the chief architect who tried to realize one of the ideas of the Public Library - the recreation of the historical interiors.

A book about the activities of Alexander Bakusov will be published in 2020.

Marking Day of the Russian Navy: Book exhibition "Sea-going Ships to Be ..." presented in the Military Scientific Library of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Source: Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

From July 21 to August 4, 2020, the Military Scientific Library of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation invites to visit the book exhibition "Sea-going Ships to Be ...", marking Day of the Russian Navy.

The readers have a high interest in the history of the Russian Navy establishment, famous naval battles, books on Naval art. The exhibition presents special military works, popular science literature, memoirs and diaries of famous naval commanders: P. S. Nakhimov, M. P. Lazarev, F. F. Ushakov, F. S. Oktyabrsky. It also provides autobiographies, biographies and scientific works of prominent naval commanders from the Great Patriotic War to the present day.

The exhibition highlights the greatest victories of the Russian Navy described by the participants. The books represent the achievements of people defending the honour of Russia.

A chronicle of glorious deeds includes stories of famous navigators and ordinary sailors, information on warships of different times.

The exhibition features unique books of a high historical value.