Museums and Society: Branches of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve opened new exhibitions

25 July 2020

On July 10, 2020, branches of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve in Staraya Russa, Borovichi and Chudovo launched new exhibitions.

The Museum of the novel "The Brothers Karamazov" in Staraya Russa opened the exhibition entitled "Heroes" of the Moscow Art Theater. On the first theatrical production of "The Brothers Karamazov". The exhibition showcases about forty postcards featuring theatre actors as the heroes of the novel. This postcard collection from the collection of  the Fyodor Dostoevsky House-Museum was issued in 1912 by the Moscow publishing house of A. A. Gorozhankin.

The Museum of History of Borovichi and Borovichi Region presented a new exhibition "Town of Creation and Love". It showcases paintings of Tatyana Solovyova-Domashenko. The most interesting exhibits are the portrait of the Empress "Catherine the Great in the old Borovichi" and the view of the right-bank of the town with the central cathedrals and the arched bridge of N. A. Belelyubsky under construction. Other paintings are beautiful views of the modern town, snow-covered streets, a rapid river, busy banks, a monastery, shopping arcades and old half-stone houses - silent witnesses of history.

The Scientific and Educational Centre of the Nikolai Nekrasov House-Museum in Chudovo arranged an exhibition "The History of Crafts of the Chudovo Land". The exposition features three dozen items of the late XIX - early XX centuries from the museum's collections. Most of them were collected by the museum specialists during ethnographic expeditions to the villages of Chudovo district (Novgorod Region). These items represent folk crafts widespread on the territory of Novgorod Province at the end of the XIX century.

The Novgorod Museum-Reserve invites to visit new exhibitions of regional branches.