Libraries and Society: Vladimir Mayakovsky Central City Public Library to hold IV All-Russian scientific and practical online conference "Methodological Service of the Modern Public Library"
Vladimir Mayakovsky Central City Public Library (Saint-Petersburg) will hold the All-Russian scientific and practical online conference "Methodological Service of the Modern Public Library" on November 12, 2020. The organizers invite the heads of libraries and methodological services, methodologists and library specialists, students and teachers of library educational institutions to meet online, exchange experiences, discuss effective technologies, methods of library activity in a virtual environment and the prospects for the development considering the differences in digital progress of libraries.
Priority topics for reports and discussions:
- Formation of digital competencies for library staff.
- Working Online: Accounting and reporting.
- Communication with the audience online.
- New and effective practices of remote work in online.
- Methods and digital tools for team and project work of libraries (tools: WebEx, Skype, Bitrtx24, MS Teams, Zoom, Suite, Google, Yandex. Content and others).
- Technology and methodology for holding interactive events, Internet contests. Kinds of content and methods of its development in social networks (Instagram, VKontakte and others).
- Online Events: Announcements and information platforms to attract visitors.