Libraries and Society: Registration of participants of the XIII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Library Collections: Problems and Solutions" in the Republic of Adygea launched

24 August 2020

The National Library of Russia, the Russian Library Association, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Adygea, the National Library of the Republic of Adygea are organizers of the XIII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Library Collections: Problems and Solutions". It will be held from October 5 to 10, 2020, at the National Library of the Republic of Adygea (Maikop).

Most of the conference will be held remotely. Several events intended for specialists of the Republic of Adygea and neighbouring regions are planned to be offline (in case of a good epidemiological situation).

The general attention at the conference will be paid to practical issues of the formation of library collections.

The following issues are supposed for discussion:

- Library and the Book World: Lessons of the pandemic and new opportunities in the development of libraries and the formation of library collections;

- National project "Culture". Book monuments digitizing. Regional and national content digitizing as a way of preserving and improving access to the collections of national and central libraries of Russian regions;

- Formation of library collections and work with the multicultural and multinational population. Problems of national book publishing and the formation of collections of national libraries;

- Development of the Federal State Information System "National Electronic Library". National Electronic Library: opportunities for resources exploration, cooperation opportunities and development prospects;

- Stage III of the Program for the Conservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation. All-Russian monitoring of the conservation of library collections;

- Formation of collections of model libraries;

- Network resources in the formation of library collections;

- Normative and legal regulation of the formation of library collections.

The conference will include:


- The national book festival "Books as the way to mutual understanding and harmony of peoples";

- Interregional discussion "Book World in a New Reality: Lessons of the pandemic and a new step in the development of libraries and the formation of library collections";

- Interregional plenary discussion "On the problems of national book publishing and the formation of collections of national libraries";

- Seminar-cum-workshop of the Federal Centre for Conservation of Library Collections of the National Library of Russia "Expert estimate of the conservation of library collections. Formation of the document condition electronic databases";

- Focus-seminar "Formation of collections of model libraries";

- The collector school "Formation of collections of model libraries: Methodic recommendations"; "Practice of the formation of library collections in questions and answers";

- Master class "Network resources in library collections".