International Events: "Polyphony: Modern Printed Graphics of South Korea" exhibition presented in Moscow

13 August 2020

The State Museum of Oriental Art launched the exhibition of South Korean printed graphics "Polyphony: Modern Printed Graphics of South Korea", marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and the Republic of Korea. It will run until August 30, 2020. The exposition features works of 32 masters of different generations. It showcases a wide range of art trends and creative searches in this kind of art, which has been dynamically developing in the Republic of Korea since the late 1950s.

Many authors are already well-known graphic artists famous not only in the homeland but also abroad. Most of them present their artworks in Russia for the first time.

The exhibits are created in various printing techniques including traditional for Korea xylography, linoсut, lithography, etching, mezzotint, aquatint, silk screening and calligraphy. Several authors use the latest digital technologies. Despite the technique, all works are brilliant pieces of art. They are distinguished by high intellectual culture and intelligence.

The exhibition presents South Korean graphics of the 1980s and 1990s, as well as the artworks of the last two decades.