Memorable Dates of Russia: Oryol to hold the International Scientific Conference "Ivan Bunin's Works in the Cultural Context of the XX-XXI Centuries" marking the 150th anniversary of the writer

7 September 2020

Department of Russian Literature of the XX-XXI Centuries and the History of Foreign Literature of Ivan Turgenev Oryol State University, the Ivan Turgenev Oryol Integrated State Literary Museum will arrange the International Scientific Conference "Ivan Bunin's Works in the Cultural Context of the XX-XXI Centuries" (marking the 150th anniversary of the writer). It will take place on October 15-17, 2020.

The following problems are supposed for discussion:

- Ideological and art features of Ivan Bunin's oeuvre.

- Ivan Bunin's Works in the context of Russian culture.

- Writers of the "Russian Diaspora" and France.

- The image of Russia in the works of writers in exile (Ivan Bunin, Leonid Andreev, Boris Zaitsev).

- Ivan Bunin: pro et contra. Bunin study yesterday and today.

- Oryol topos in the works of Russian writers (I. S.Turgenev, N. S. Leskov, A. A. Fet, F. I. Tyutchev, A. N. Apukhtin, L. N. Andreev, B. K. Zaitsev, I. A. Novikov, I. F. Kallinikov, V. L. Galskoy).

- The linguistic world-image of the "Oryol text".

- Studying Ivan Bunin's works at the university and school.