Memorable Dates of Russia: Exhibition marking the 125th anniversary of Sergei Yesenin to open in Moscow

9 September 2020

On September 9, 2020, the exhibition "Live as the Star Leads You...". Marking the 125th Anniversary of the Poet" will be launched in the central building of Vladimir Dal State Museum of the History of Russian Literature at Zubovsky Boulevard in Moscow. It submits a new idea of the creative way of one of the most prominent Russian poets of the XX century. The exposition tells about the key episodes in the biography of Sergei Yesenin. The central idea of the exhibition is the image of the "birth of a star".

The minor planet 2576 named after Sergei Yesenin is shining on the map of the starry sky. The asteroid belt of the solar system includes a lot of minor planets named after the classics of Russian literature, among them are the poets of the Silver Age: Akhmatova, Gumilyov, Pasternak, Tsvetaeva, Balmont, Blok, Mayakovsky. The literary planetarium also contains the planets of the founder of the State Museum of the History of Russian Literature Vladimir Bonch-Bruyevich and Vladimir Dal, whose name the museum has now. Celestial bodies were discovered and registered under the names of Russian writers by scientists of the Crimean Group of the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy in the 1970s-80s. The Star Map of Literature multimedia projection, which opens the exhibition, allows understanding its idea.

The images of celestial bodies can be found in numerous verses by Sergei Yesenin. The exhibition guides the visitor along the "star way" of the poet - through the main symbols of his work.

The exposition features Yesenin's handwritten autographs, notebooks, the first publications of his poems, photographs, portraits, personal belongings, as well as records of the poet's voice. The epilogue of the exhibition presents a selection of materials about the fate of Yesenin's legacy.

The anniversary exhibition will unite Russian regions: the second part of the project entitled "I visited the birthplaces..." will be opened in Sergei Yesenin Museum-Reserve in the village of Konstantinovo on the poet's birthday (October 3).

The current exhibition provides a special program for children and adults, which includes lectures, excursions and thematic meetings.