Memory of Russia: Tula Region to host Military and Historical Festival "Kulikovo Field" September 20, 2020

20 September 2020
Source: Pobeda.RF

On September 20, 2020, the Day of Military Glory of Russia is celebrated on Kulikovo Field. That day Dmitry Donskoy's regiments triumphed over the Mamai horde.

The Military and Historical Festival "Kulikovo Field" will take place on the Red Hill and in the museum complex in Mokhovoye (Tula Region). Reconstructors, who revive the military traditions and everyday life of Rus' and the Golden Horde of the XIII-XIV centuries, will gather on the banks of the Don, near the Tatinskie Fords. Scientists state that it was the place where Russian army of Prince Dmitry passed over the river right before the battle.

Festival participants will make an honourable procession to the monument-column to Dmitry Donskoy.

640 years later, the events of ancient annals will repeat on Kulikovo field. There will be a fight between Peresvet and Chelubey (the warriors of the Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich and the Horde of Mamai), as well as armed cavalry and foot soldiers.

In 2020, the festival will also mark the other significant events in the Russian military such as the 500th anniversary of the Tula Kremlin and the Zasechnaya Line, the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.