Book Publishing and Book Distribution: Veliky Novgorod to hold the IX Interregional Book Fair "Book Holiday"

18 September 2020

From September 18 to September 20, 2020, the IX Interregional Book Fair "Book Holiday" is open in the Novgorod Kremlin. The event organizers - the Ministry of Culture of Novgorod Region, the Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library and the Novgorod State Integrated Museum-Reserve - invited representatives of the leading Russsian publishing houses to participate in the book fair.

It presents a wide range of book production of leading Russian publishing houses. There are publications of different kinds: classical literature, new educational books, examples of modern prose and poetry by Russian and the best foreign authors, non-fiction, art albums, books on art and local history, as well as juvenile literature and much more.

The fair also provides exciting book-illustrative and art exhibitions, showcased in the halls of the Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library (Kremlin, 4). The visitors may explore the exhibition project "Winners. Heroes of Novgorod Land", personal exhibition of Pavel Ivanovich Gorodetsky, "Semyon Ivanovich Pustovoitov. Artist and Warrior", exhibition of graphics by Novgorod and Vyborg artists "Vyborg Today and Always", etc. The Fair lecture hall will host the exhibition "Book Characters Through the Eyes of Students of the Novgorod Children's Art School".