Museums of Russia: Tula branch of the State Historical Museum launched

29 September 2020

The Tula branch of the State Historical Museum was launched on September 27, 2020. The opening ceremony was timed to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Tula Kremlin.

The branch is housed in the former Gingerbread Trade building of the XIX century. It is now part of a new museum quarter near the Kremlin. The first exhibition "Relics and Masterpieces of the State Historical Museum" included items from all 15 collections of the State Historical Museum - more than 260 objects in total. Among them are icons of the IX–XVI centuries, the sabre of the Grand Prince Konstantin Romanov, samples of folk women's costume.

The State Historical Museum plans to arrange two exhibition projects in Tula every year. The next project will feature the Romanov imperial dynasty.