Marking the Year of Memory and Glory: "Rear - Our Front Line" exhibition presented in Barnaul

10 October 2020

The Altai Local Lore Museum (Barnaul) opened the "Rear - Our Front Line" exhibition. The museum illustrates the labour contribution of the Altai residents to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War for the first time.

The inter-museum project integrates 21 municipal museums. All participants provided their exhibits, photographs and documents featuring the everyday life of various Altai villages and cities. The exposition includes more than 200 genuine items. They spotlight defence industry enterprises and their production; medicines and treatment of wounded in hospitals; handmade gifts to the fighting soldiers; clothing of urban and rural residents; the way people survived hunger and cold, and much more.

The exhibition concept is based on the memories of residents of Altai cities and villages, revealing the everyday work of women and children in plants, home crafts and farms. Most of the memories were collected in 2019-2020, by schoolchildren and students within the framework of the regional research contest "XXI Century Children about Children of War", launched by the museum. The central place at the exhibition is occupied by an installation devoted to women's and children's labour during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.

For the first time, the exhibition involves a new information element - an interactive system with intelligent content, which will be interesting not only for children but also for adults. The informational part includes memories of 53 residents of Barnaul, Zarinsk, Slavgorod and 23 districts, which are represented on an interactive map in text, audio and video formats.